Arylesterase – Paraoxonase Assay Kit
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Human serum arylesterase/paraoxonase (PON) is a polymorphic enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of organophosphates such as paraoxon (1) and aromatic carboxylic acid esters of fatty acids (2,3). Most organophosphates are neurotoxins that are widely encountered in the diet and household (4). While over the years enzymatic activity has been named with regard to the substrates required, the same enzyme has been shown to catalyze nearly all arylesterase and paraoxonase activities (1,2,5). It is a glycoprotein containing 337 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of approximately 43 kD, and a serum concentration of about 50 mg/L (2,5) . Atherosclerosis and its relationship to coronary heart disease has been well documented as a major cause of illness and death in the Western Hemisphere. The lipoprotein HDL, the good cholesterol, is inversely related to the risk of development of atherosclerosis. PON has been shown to be closely associated with HDL, and may contribute to HDLs antiatherogenicity by preventing the oxidation of LDL, the bad cholesterol (2,4,6,7). In exogenous experiments with HDL and PON, Aviram, et al, determined that both HDLassociated PON and purified PON were potent inhibitors of LDL oxidation. Their experiments implied a peroxidative role for PON due to its active hydrolysis of H2O2, a major reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced during oxidative stress (7,8). Hence, the Arylesterase/Paraoxonase Assay Kit may be used in conjunction with the Total Glutathione Peroxidase Assay Kit (catalog n. 0805002). Screening for total lipid peroxidation may be measured with the TBARS Assay Kit (catalog n. 0801192). In the clinical setting, PON is decreased in chronic renal failure, which may be restored to normal after transplantation (9), decreased in liver cirrhosis (3,10), and also shown to be decreased in diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, and familial hypercholesterolemia (11). The OXItek Arylesterase/Paraoxonase Assay Kit provides a simple, reproducible method of quantifying arylesterase activity in serum or plasma. The Arylesterase/Paraoxonase Assay Kit is for Research Purposes Only.
Store Arylesterase Assay Buffer and Substrate at 4°C. The standard should be aliquoted and stored at -20°C or lower.
+2° to +8° C. / RUO
Material Safety Data Sheet.pdf
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Origin | USA |
BTN - HC | |
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